
Welcome to my random thought process.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Walking Dead

So I have a confession. I am a Zombie freak. They are my "Monster of Choice".  Those vile undead are the thing that goes bump in the night for me. My most recent evolution in this obsession is.."The Walking Dead" graphic novels. One of my friends introduced me to the series...Thanks Bundy...and well.. I am in love with it. The novels are fantastic and though the Zombie Apocolypse sets the stage....the living are the real unpredictable menace and drama of the novels. The moral and ethical dilemma that the characters face make one wonder ..what they would do in the same situation. What would you do to survive? And with the world turned on its head...Who would you become in the process of trauma and survival?
The series has some awesome anti-heroes and villains. I don't think that I can say there are any heroes cause no one's hands are clean in"The Walking Dead"...not even the children.....yeah it gets rough in between those pages. My favorite character is Michonne...I think it is a "girl power"thing...but she is an superb character and she gets the job done 100% of the time. Nothing like a sword welding woman.

Now that you know about my little rotten addiction, imagine my enthusiasm when I discovered that AMC...(the slow ass kicker of HBO) is adapting "The Walking Dead" graphic novels into "The Walking Dead" television series....I literally jumped up and down....don"t judge. I love it when things come to life like this...at least until they suck....then I hate them with an evil dirty passion. I hope they do the novels justice...there are great stories to be told in the series and this has the potential to be a Zombie epic....as the novels..in my eyes anyways...already are. You know honestly it could be more the a Zombie Epic....if they do this right...this series will just be plain old ...all american....Epic

If you get a chance...watch the trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg46DWI_fCE ..The series starts Halloween night ...

1 comment:

  1. The trailer looks amazing I can't wait for it this Halloween!
