
Welcome to my random thought process.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

ATTACK THE BLOCK ..What would a hood kid do in the event of an alien attack?

The answer to the above questionis .. kick some ass. I have to say that I really like this movie. This UK import is  awesome. Cause.. what would happen if some tough kids from 'the hood" came  up against aliens. Very nasty mostly "wolf gorilla lookin motherfucking" live action aliens. ATTACK THE BLOCK is very funny and full of action from beginning to end. It is  not a 4 hour movie, that holds you hostage through the course of the film with unnecessary dialogue and a lot of CGI porn.

Attack The Block is about a small gang of friends that are trying to make there names as "bad boys". This consists of mainly petty crime and intimidation of the locals in their neighborhood. They seem like pretty tough guys..boys, until something falls out of the sky. A vile little monster with very sharp teeth ..is that something, and while most people would run,these bad boys decide to kill it. Bad idea. As usual I don't want to give anything away...lets just say I only shared with you the first 10 mins of the movie.
I highly recommend this movie to all that like a little gore, comedy, horror, and some South London slang. Don't fret on the slang part, they cool out on it after about 15 mins in.  Highly recommended and a good film to welcome the fall . Enjoy the trailer below.

P.S. does anyone besides me and my friends think that John Boyega, (He does a phenomenal job playing Moses.) looks like Denzel Washington. Just saying.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Watch "THE HELP"...I promise you won't want to break Sh*t.

A good drama is hard to come by, especially a good drama with black characters. By the by.. if you don't know this by now,  I am black. haha. Anyways, when I first heard about "THE HELP" I was a little apprehensive. Honestly, when I saw the trailer I cringed a little. You never know if this kind of movie is going to move you or make you want to break sh*t. I did not make me want to break sh*t,  walking out of the theater today. It is amazingly touching , funny , heartbreaking and honest. It is beautiful, really.  I am happy that I went to go see it. The cast does an excellent job of balancing the lives of all of the women and even the ones that are particularly  racist, you can see a bit of humanity in them and why they are the way they are. This movie made me really think about the dynamics of the world that my grandparents and parents lived in during this time period. It made me think of a time when people called the 50s and the 60s "the good ole days" but,  who's good days where these. Living in a world where the wrong action or word could mean loss of livelihood, imprisonment, or death. Where people can not see your humanity for the color of you skin. I  am not delusional about this part of American history and even now there is room for change, but it made me again...ever grateful for all the people of all color and stations in life that took chances...big and small so that I could be writing this blog right now and living this life I am living. 

I highly recommend "THE HELP". And to all those living and not that saw the humanity past the color of people's skin and choice to stand for something instead of falling for anything....I THANK YOU ETERNALLY. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011


So aside from the shame of being an adult walking around in the TEEN section on Barnes and Noble. I have to say that the HUNGER GAMES books by Suzanne Collins are great books. They have a lot of heart and gore. Two of my favorite things in the whole wide world. I happen to have  talked to three generation of what looks like an all American family recently, and I noticed that the youngest generation... a teen girl was reading the first book.

I was in line at the store. I commented on how the books and the girl told me that she'd gotten the collection for her birthday. I told her they are really good books and that was a good gift. This prompted a third party, another woman in line to also exclaim in great detail her love for the books. For with the oldest generation of the all American trio said...." I hear their real violent" shaking her head in older lady disapproval.

Well folks, Grandma Generations is right. These books are violent.. I mean, the story is about children that are forced to kill each other for entertainment. It is crazy, and very Battle Royale . Lets face it though, there is a lot of violent material in the world. One thing I can say that sets Hunger Games apart, is that it is not totally senseless and it has consequences, regret, remorse, and guilt. Some components that I think are greatly lacking in a lot of media today. All the hype is true about these books. Suzanne Collins constructs a whole universe that has enough foundation in our reality that is cause discomfort at the possibly of the capability of man. They are an excellent read, and with all good things that come to an end ...it leaves you with a longing for more.

And with all thing goods in the literary world comes a movie...I hope that it doesn't suck.

Rec 1 and 2 watch them for free ...have bad dreams!!!

I will start by saying that after I watched these two movies back to back I had a night of terrible dreams... Yep freaking terrible. With that said , these movies have an interesting and religious take on the whole "evil hordes of used to be humans" genre ...I refuse to call them Zombies. I know the whole found footage thing is done to death, but give them a chance. And whatever you do... don't waste your time with the American remakes Quarantine and Quarantine 2....they are abominations. Best part about all of this is you can watch both of them for free on YouTube...links below...Have fun and sweet dreams. 

Friday, August 5, 2011

Review Me:Rise of the Planet of the Apes is REALLY good!!!

Yep...It was REALLY good. I am slightly ashamed to say. Initially,  when I saw the first trailers I thought to myself what is this... a monkey movie or something, and then it dawned on me ...Is this what i think it is... and then...Yep... it  is was... a freaking Planet of the Apes movie. I could not believe it. In a wash of constant rebooted, remade and reimagined nightmares that have been released in the last few years ..I will be the first to say that I was not looking forward to seeing this movie. As a couple more trailer came out as time when on and I thought to myself...Well I went to go see Your Highness so why not make it a James Franco summer.
  This movie is really great and if you are a fan of the originals there are a ton of little Easter eggs in it for you too ...And there is the ground work laid for a sequel.

http://youtu.be/28Z_D9Grh18   <--Trailer

This is the story of a Scientist (Franco) who is trying to come up with a cure to all of out human mental malities. In particular .. Alzheimer. And of course when you want to risk testing a possibly dangerous drug who do you go to for experimentation but of genetic cousins chimpanzees. Well,  as the after effect of intial experimentation is the creation of the HEART of the movie. CEASAR. Ceaser is a chimp who has inheritied all the great trait of the drugs and much more... gosh I love this film.   And I love Ceasear. Who is played by ANDY SERKIS. You may know him best as GOLLUM/SMEAGOL from the Lord of the Ring triliogy.

In a lot of ways this is a coming of age story and a story about personal acceptance and discovery. I know that sounds a little on the sappy side. And it is really but ...gosh I love this movie. Look I have not written a review in months and here I an gushing ... I don't want to give anything away, but if you have see the movie let me know, we can discuss it if you like ... I am up for the convo.

 Just if you have to pick a remade reboot or reaimage.Heck, if  you just have to pick a movie . Pick ...Rise of the Planet of the Apes...It is well worth it.