
Welcome to my random thought process.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Review Me:Rise of the Planet of the Apes is REALLY good!!!

Yep...It was REALLY good. I am slightly ashamed to say. Initially,  when I saw the first trailers I thought to myself what is this... a monkey movie or something, and then it dawned on me ...Is this what i think it is... and then...Yep... it  is was... a freaking Planet of the Apes movie. I could not believe it. In a wash of constant rebooted, remade and reimagined nightmares that have been released in the last few years ..I will be the first to say that I was not looking forward to seeing this movie. As a couple more trailer came out as time when on and I thought to myself...Well I went to go see Your Highness so why not make it a James Franco summer.
  This movie is really great and if you are a fan of the originals there are a ton of little Easter eggs in it for you too ...And there is the ground work laid for a sequel.

http://youtu.be/28Z_D9Grh18   <--Trailer

This is the story of a Scientist (Franco) who is trying to come up with a cure to all of out human mental malities. In particular .. Alzheimer. And of course when you want to risk testing a possibly dangerous drug who do you go to for experimentation but of genetic cousins chimpanzees. Well,  as the after effect of intial experimentation is the creation of the HEART of the movie. CEASAR. Ceaser is a chimp who has inheritied all the great trait of the drugs and much more... gosh I love this film.   And I love Ceasear. Who is played by ANDY SERKIS. You may know him best as GOLLUM/SMEAGOL from the Lord of the Ring triliogy.

In a lot of ways this is a coming of age story and a story about personal acceptance and discovery. I know that sounds a little on the sappy side. And it is really but ...gosh I love this movie. Look I have not written a review in months and here I an gushing ... I don't want to give anything away, but if you have see the movie let me know, we can discuss it if you like ... I am up for the convo.

 Just if you have to pick a remade reboot or reaimage.Heck, if  you just have to pick a movie . Pick ...Rise of the Planet of the Apes...It is well worth it.

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