
Welcome to my random thought process.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


So aside from the shame of being an adult walking around in the TEEN section on Barnes and Noble. I have to say that the HUNGER GAMES books by Suzanne Collins are great books. They have a lot of heart and gore. Two of my favorite things in the whole wide world. I happen to have  talked to three generation of what looks like an all American family recently, and I noticed that the youngest generation... a teen girl was reading the first book.

I was in line at the store. I commented on how the books and the girl told me that she'd gotten the collection for her birthday. I told her they are really good books and that was a good gift. This prompted a third party, another woman in line to also exclaim in great detail her love for the books. For with the oldest generation of the all American trio said...." I hear their real violent" shaking her head in older lady disapproval.

Well folks, Grandma Generations is right. These books are violent.. I mean, the story is about children that are forced to kill each other for entertainment. It is crazy, and very Battle Royale . Lets face it though, there is a lot of violent material in the world. One thing I can say that sets Hunger Games apart, is that it is not totally senseless and it has consequences, regret, remorse, and guilt. Some components that I think are greatly lacking in a lot of media today. All the hype is true about these books. Suzanne Collins constructs a whole universe that has enough foundation in our reality that is cause discomfort at the possibly of the capability of man. They are an excellent read, and with all good things that come to an end ...it leaves you with a longing for more.

And with all thing goods in the literary world comes a movie...I hope that it doesn't suck.

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